My Original Plan was meant to have a lot of people come together with this,( Maybe next year) but the Year is young and we will be looking at the Year of Music trends that had an impact on this year, 2012 saw a lot of different music, as we get to the end of 2012 we will review what were the best and worst trends, best and worst music, memories, and biggest regrets in the music industry.

So far, 2012 has seen Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber and Carrie Underwood come back in big ways; boy bands brought us back to the late 90s; Carly Rae Jepsen and Maroon 5 dialed up telephone-themed hits; Madonna and a middle finger rocked halftime at the Super Bowl; and Whitney Houston, among other late music stars, was taken from us far too soon.
This Year we have seen a rise in British Pop Music at the most, we witnessed a billion views on Korean Superstar Psy with Gangam Style, We saw Little Mix rise in the charts with their debut album.One Direction have proved Music worthy with their international chart topping, Call Me Maybe Exploded the internet. Justin Bieber made his first big boy album Believe.Boyfriend made the second highest first week sales this year!.Snoop Dogg changed his name to Snoop Lion adding himself to the list of stupid name changers.
Taylor Swift has proved herself a pop sensation dropping all country ties now. LMFAO called the splits.
But if you had to tell one Artist to stop making music based on their 2012 hits I would have to say Pitbull should stop ( SORRY MR WORLD WIDE) and Ke$ha should take a break as well for the worlds sake. Electro and Dance have proved to be the biggest genre this year BUT in saying that there are a lot of 2013 predictions saying Electro has died.
Biggest Music controversy this year, Former I Killed The Prom Queen vocalist Michael Crafter fired all four members of his hardcore band Confession: “I will be looking for legit friends to play within the band. SO HEY GET F#CKED!”

Australian Hip Hop found it's spot with Seth Sentry taking the cake for the 2012 Oz Artist of the year! making it the second year that a melbourne artist has taken the Channel V award. Unsigned Music we lost some good bands with Some Time soon, The Sunny Side up, Summerset Avenue, We saved the party, We lost members from New Empire with Pete Leaving and Drummer Nax leaving For Our Hero.
Ed Sheeran proved himself a few awards with being dubbed the best Song- Writer of the year with all his successes this year.As well as taking the award for the best concert experience that anyone has experienced well when you have a microphone, Loop pedal and Guitar.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.
<!--[endif]-->If you could ban one song from ever being
played again from 2012?, It would have to be Rihanna Diamonds submitted by Ebony, it was unsuccessful compared to her other hits, over play played a contribution of why it became a fail, as well as Rihanna and her attitude when bringing people along to her tour to see the life of her but walked off to a private part of the plane leaving them along. An Australian Journalist took it in his into his right to entertain the crowd the only way how.
Clearly it was a no show too far for the Australian journalist when he made the decision to flash his junk to a news-hungry press cabin, aching to report something of note and as his antics were captured on film, the whole world could see just how crazy journalists can get when they are cooped up for hours and given random food to eat.
Toni suggests also want to say live like we're young by One Direction was unsuccessful but also successful as a push for One Direction to break out of all the songs about love and heart break, and that music video is hilarious so ........ hmm my final decision that song by & Brittany spears because that just screams FAIL!! ( and we couldn't agree more).
Favorite Collaboration this year I think I am a big fan of Owl City so for him to mix it up singing with Canadian Carly Rae Jepsen, setting music beats to stun in a summer type/awesome song that has everyone dancing around and singing ( even if we don't like to admit it).
This one would have to be a tough choice on the best unsigned band would have to be Masketta Fall with their connection with their fans and their amazing concert experience. The way they treat Fans not as Fans but as Friends it is amazing that they have such a big fan following already but listen to their music and you see why.
But In tired first no doubt had to be The Monster Goes Rawrr, Their New EP " The Walk of Game", The Monster Goes Rawrr could never disappoint with their new style but the best thing about The Walk Of Game is that their is a style for everyone.
Even trying a slow new song. If you haven't listened to it don't freak out I have you covered.
I have a feeling we will be hearing more from the boys in the new year and to tell the truth I can't wait for that!!.
So with all that, We have reach the end of the 2012, Happy New Years bring on 2013!
But to sum this whole post up I have to do it in style, With a song of course, Channel V, The Riff: The Year that was 2012. Just to sum everything up all in one song how enjoyable can you get seriously!.