Friday, January 25, 2013

Rawr Vanity!

Band Members: Wacey Coates - Vocals, Bass Jesse Simo-swer - Vocals, Guitar Matt O'Reilly - Vocals, Lead Guitar Carly Sinn - Drums, Percussion 

When You Put Four Best Friends from Brisbane in a room you get a room of talent coming together to share their passion of music. The quartet thought maybe they had something special and should take this serious hobby to the next level.You get the two ladies and two gents of Rawr Vanity who stepped onto the local music scene of March in 2010. After time practicing and perfecting everything the band were ready to share with the world 
exactly what they as a band stood for. 

As a group, Rawr Vanity continue to pave their musical journey one success 

after another. So Without Further Ado, Here's The Interview with Rawr Vanity. 

New Year, New You, What is some goals you aspire to reach this year? 

It would be awesome for our single off the new album to hit some charts . Release the album and tour to both Sydney and Melbourne again. Maybe even hit Perth this year!

 With The New Album, How has the music developed from when you first started? 

We write our songs now with a formula in our minds.

When we first wrote songs we went a bit crazy and put all this stuff in,
 But it wasn't always best for the song. I think we've Learnt how good songs are built from the ground up. 

What do you like to do,when your not making music? 

Matt: gym and Xbox

Wace: spend time with friends/family

Carly: I like going to the beach and road trips 

Jess: BBQ's with friends and Xbox

 How Was the Making of the Music Video Electric? 

Surprisingly not stressful to film but took 14 hours to edit  

we kinda decided to do it on a wim.

 We had no cash so just decided to have a go ourselves!

In three words, How would you describe your live shows?

Electric. Fun. Free.

How did all you meet and what influenced you to start a band together?

Carly Matt and Jess met in primary school and went to high school together as well. 
Jess met wacey when she went to JMC academy in 2009. Carly and Jess had just come out of another band and still really wanted to make music.
 Matt had always played music and such and wacey really wanted to start hitting the music scene in Brisbane we just kinda started jamming from there.

Where's your favorite place to go for inspiration? and what inspires you the most?

Places to go for inspiration I guess we just spend a lot of time together in any location. 

We usually go through road trips together and usually write about things and situations we 

see rather than what we're involved in.

If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be?
So many people! Matt Wright from the Getaway Plan,
 Lady Gaga,
 Katy Perry,
 The script (whoever song writes for them)
 many many more!

What Genre, Would you Classify Yourself as? 

Well we say glitter/pop/dance/rock haha we're like a few genres in a blender 

What are the names and nicknames of everyone in the band?

Wace Face
Carlos  haha

 sometimes these names stick

Hopefully, You come to Sydney, Would love to see you play!, 
To Keep Updated through Facebook:
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