Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Leek (Sunshine) Music Video.


It's like those days where you love being around people but sometimes you don't . Sometimes your mad at the world but sometimes it makes you so happy. Sometimes you hate someone but at the same time it never equals up to the love for some body. We all have those bad days when we just want to put our headphones in with the volume up. 

Does this sound familiar well with the new music video by Leek and the War Wick Tragedy. Which was shot for The Fourth coming album titled "One". 

So i talked to Luke Humphries (Leek) on the meaning behind the song and what the song means for him. 
The song is based around a love / hate relationship that Luke Humphries  (Leek) was involved in trying to stop the arguing and the fighting side of things.
" The lyrics are fairly self explanatory once you know that" wrote Luke. 
 But according to Luke Humphries " it can mean anything you wish for it to". But to him "that's what it means to him". 

The video was made by the bands friend and the song just fit into the video about those dark days and how to find the happiness in those dark days. Because our sun shines here to stay <3 

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