Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wake the Giants

When I Say Wake the Giants I know what your thinking
the first thing you think is... that is dangerous and a very weird thing to do.
 But then i would say it is an awesome 5 piece pop punk band from Sydney which are defending the name of Pop punk with their awesome tunes, epic shows, and charming looks. We got to talk to Guitarist Zack on his music moments and we even get him taking a crack at song writing.
from Left to Right:
James Clarke - Bass
Zack Young - Guitar
Colby McQueen - Vocals
 Tim Sharp - Drums
Jay Hirabayashi - Guitar
Where are you from?
 We are from Sydney, Australia.

 With your music what makes it different from all the other music released?
Our music is honest and from the heart. It's catchy, but still retains creative song writing rather than just writing music to get fans.
If you had to save the world what powers would you have and how would you do it?
I honestly wish i could be Iron Man says Zack

What would you like for Christmas?
New guitars!!

What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
Too many to choose from! I have ADD so that probably explains my life's soundtrack haha

Where did you get your band name from?
Our original vocalist Josh came up with it randomly and everyone thought it sounded pretty cool!

 Finish The Lyrics In Your Own Words-
 Take a look at my girlfriend....
Is something our drummer can't say.
 All I wanna do
Is get a girlfriend said our drummer.

Take a look at me now...MotherF*&ers!

Favorite Concert moment?
At another bands show - Getting mic grabs at a Four Year Strong show.

At our show - Anytime the crowd is going nuts.

 How do you prepare before the concerts?
We like to pump each other up, push each other around, stretch and jump around, do vocal exercises and just have fun!

Any Band You Would Kill To See In Concert?
Describe your music style in 3 words?
 Energetic, Emotional and Fun!

How do you describe your music to people who haven’t heard of you?
Crack Rock

What is some music that you just don’t like?

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