Call The Shots are a five piece band pop punk act hailing from Brisbane,Australia.
Call The Shots are currently working on a new 7 track EP due to be released later this year.
With More Solid Touring,Call The Shots are the band to watch for 2012, with their Plans of World Domination in the works.I got to speak with Lead Singer Josh Setterfield about the Band.

How did you get the name Call The Shots?
we were under a previous name that didn''t really suit us and because the band had changed members around and stuff we thought it was time to refresh the name. we chose call the shots after a friend suggested it because it really appealed to what we wanted to say our message was. we wanted to take charge and 'call the shots' (ha! GAYYYYYYY)
If you could cover any song what would it be?
personally, i want to do Skater Boy by Avril hahahaha :P

For someone who hasn't been to a Call The Shots concert what can they expect?
Alot of jumping around, jumping off things and telling you to put your hands up and just generally try to have a good time

How has your music evolved since you first started in the band?
i honestly think that it's matured abit.
people havent really heard much off our new CD as its about to be released soon, but the songs on it, compared to crank up the happy, are alot more from the heart and not so much revengy/teenagy. overall i'm way happy with it.
When is the release for the new EP?
ahhhh. it keeps getting tossed around with the final date, hense why we haven't actually announced a release date yet. but it SHOULD be soon!
What are the names and nicknames of everyone in the band?
We call Dion: NOID (dion backwards haha)
Now your first music video has been out for some time, How was the filming for that and describe the process of the music video?
haha we actually did this one ourselves! so it was quite terrible as we aren't really the acting types haha we just used a home camcorder and tried our best with what we had, and we were actually quite stoked with how it turned out (we thought it was going to be ALOT worse than it already is hahha)
Describe the sound of Call The Shots?
i think the best way to describe our sound:
Early Pop-Punk with a touch of F*CKING MOSH haha
What do you enjoy doing the most when you are not performing or working on your music?
usually just hanging out, parties, sometimes videogames, THEMEPARKS :D

What is Some Current Favourite Music?
At the moment i'm right back into 'Goldfinger', These Kids Wear Crowns, Simple Plan and a heap of pop artists! haha just going through one of those phases.
At what age did you develop your love for music?
i always have actually. i have videos of me when i was like 5, smashing a drumkit haha.
i obviously wasn't very good, but it's just always been there, a heap of my family members played instruments or were in bands and since i was 12 and saw Simple Plan on TV for the first time, i always thought that's what i wanted to do.
What is your insperation for the new EP?
the new ep has alot of different sort of songs and meanings, it's called 'When Everything Goes Wrong' so alot of it was based on when i was down but trying to keep myself up.
there's songs on the record from trying to help people through times they want to take their own lives to times that you just want to hang out and have an awesome night and forget the problems of everyday.
in a way it seems like a darker record, but even though some songs are about sadder things, they all mean that i/we wanna get through it.
What is the Most Embarassing Thing that has happened onstage?
i can't really think of embrrasing things. alot of things go wrong with sound equiptment and stuff though!
last sydney tour, i was in the middle of the circle pit with my wireless microphone when it just died... i was standing there screaming into it trying to get it to work and looking stupid haha
If you weren't in a band what jobs would you have?
i would most probably want to work as a music producer, like recording and mixing artists and bands
if the band ever fails, thats what i will go for. i need to be around music
If you had to choose a quote (or a line) to describe what motivates you day to day, what would it be?
Once you stop caring what people think, you have waaaaaayyyyy more fun :P
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